The Brain & Behavior Laboratory is the cognitive neuroscience research group headed by Assistant Professor Jonas Vibell at the Department of Psychology at University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. The group is associated with both the Department of Psychology and the John A. Burns School of Medicine. We collaborate with a diverse but select group of universities, hospitals and industry partners across the world including University of Hong Kong and Oxford University.
At the Brain and Behavior Laboratory, we investigate brain and behavior using psychophysics and brain-imaging tools. We have a 68-channel Synamps2 electroencephalograph from Neuroscan and active electrodes from Brainvision. We test attention and perception using visual, auditory and tactile stimulation. We use commercial software such as Matlab, Scan (Neuroscan), Presentation (Neurobehavioral systems), e-Prime, and EMSE; and open-source tools such as EEGLab, Psychophysics Toolbox and Open Sesame for stimulus presentation and analyses. We also have access to other brain imaging tools such as fMRI, tDCS and TMS. Please email us if you are interested in joining one of our EEG/ERP Crash courses. The skills learned in an EEG/ERP lab are transferable to many areas of research and to practical applications of science in medicine, engineering, computer-human interaction, machine learning, signal processing, etc.